Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hit the Road Stax

Previously when discussing the Atlantic CD box set I made mention of the NME tape of the early 80s which showcased the Stax / Volt revue. I had every intention of digging out said tape, scanning it in and posting here. Unfortunately I can't put my hands on right now. However I did web trawl and found a site which had done something similar not only for that tape, but also all the other early NME cassettes and had added videos of the tracklisting The Stax / Volt one is here.

At about this time a school friend of mine let me loose on what I think was his older brother's record collection, or at least the 60s part of it. Bearing in mind at that time I'd really only just come across Tamla and Stax this was a veritable treasure trove. Luckily I was able to borrow a few at a time, tape them and play the hell out my faves virtually on a continuous loop. One of those was this beauty, which I really ought to play more:

Those little nuggets of black Atlantic labels opened up a whole new sound to me. Being unsure of my way in all things mod at an early age it took me a while to appreciate soul. Perhaps in my mind "soul" had become synonymous with "disco", and that was a definite no go area! It's thanks in part to these borrowed classics and cassettes like this that my ears were opened up to "a whole new plan" (that gem would come MANY years later!). It's time to play homage to those underplayed, undervalued tracks which I became perhaps just a bit TOO familiar with and which have been left languishing unloved at the back of the collection

Aah, memories. All together now..."1, 2, 3"

PS -  I really would recommend the rest of the blog detailing those cassettes. At the time of getting e.g. the Ace Case I thought some of the tunes sounded a bit too "rockin'". Who knew that in 30 years some of those sort of sounds would epitomise a new found interest in early RnB. Good Rockin' Daddy indeed, and on that note it's time to hit, git n split

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